Phineas and Ferb Porno Story: Muffle is Golden but Ductape is Silver Chapter 1

Phineas and Ferb Porno Story: Muffle is Golden but Ductape is Silver Chapter 1

Ferb, what should we do today? My younger step-brother says. Im
reading trying to ignore him the best I can, but hey, its
impossible to ignore Phineas. I really have a lot of answers, build a
rocket, fight a mummy, climb up the Eiffel Tower, discover something
that doesnt exist or give a monkey a shower. I merely shrug. What
about Perry, what does he want to do? Or sure, Phineas, like I
speak platypus. Perry makes a chirping noise. Thanks for backing me
up, Perry.

for one am starting to get bored. And boredom is something up with
which I will not put! Phineas, some times I dont know about
you. I mean the first thing theyre gonna ask us when we get
back to school is what did we do over the summer! I mean no school
for three months, our lives should be a roller coaster! And I mean a
good roller coaster not like the one we rode at the state fair. He
said. Man, I dont think that kid can be quiet for 2 minuets. Hes
not even quiet in his sleep! Hes either snoring or talking in his
sleep. Thats one way we can tell if Phineas isnt feeling good.
He gets really quite. I actually liked it, it drove you bonkers!
I said. Shut up, Ferb. He said with a hint of smile in his

that was lame. Why if I built a roller coaster I would- he started
to say. His voice trailed off and he got a glimmer in his eyes. Uh
oh. Thats it! I know what were gonna do today! I knew it.
Hey, wheres Perry? he said. Hold on, Phineas, let me
activate my super sonic platy-human ray and ask him. I said.
Phineas laughed. Shut up, Ferb! he said. Lets go get the
stuff. he said. For the roller coaster, or the super sonic
platy-human ray? Shut up, Ferb! he said laughing. It doesnt
take a rocket scientist to figure out that Phineas says shut up
to me a lot. He doesnt to it when hes angry though, for some
reason. He just kind of avoids me for a day or two. Not me, if Im
mad at him, Ill yell and kick and punch him. I know Im kind of
mean, but he always starts it!

had blue prints all along fold out tables in the yard when my
step-sister Candace comes though the gate. Moms says Im in
charge conditionally! she said. Whatever. Phineas responded.
Wait, what are you two doing? homework. Its summer
Thats cool, you just wait till the last minuet then. Well
Im watching you. And Im in charge conditionally. Candace
stares at us through the window. She kind of freaks me out. But I
cant say anything, she was there when I was getting potty trained.

few minuets later, we have all the stuff in the backyard. Ferb,
You can start. And I can end it, and I can do the middle why
you put one screw in and say that you helped. I said. Phineas
laughed. Shut up, Ferb, I will not! Well just see about
that. You have to admit I do help. Youre nine years
old. So are you! Yeah, but Im five months older.
Shut up, Ferb. Shut up, Phineas. Phineas burst out in
laughter. I dont know how I do it, maybe its just something I
was born with, but Phineas can be all down and depressed and I can
make him laugh uncontrollably in the drop of a beat. Just by looking
at him! I love to make Phineas laugh ,though, his laugh is very

comes out of the house. Ooo when Mom catches you, you are going
down! Down down down! D-O-W-N Down! Candace said racing for her
bike. Were gonna need a blow torch and some more peanut
butter. Phineas says. Why peanut butter? I ask. Isnt
it obvious? Phineas said. Youre a pig? Phineas cracked
up. Shut up, Ferb!

came into the back yard. When Phineas heard her, he quickly regained
his composure. I dont know how Phineas does it, but he can act
perfectly normal around Isabella. Whats odd is PHINEAS HAS A HUGE
CRUSH ON HER! He doesnt show it and hes most likely going to
kill me for saying that. The funny thing is, Phineas doesnt know
about Isabellas crush on him and Isabella doesnt know about
Phineass crush on her. Im not going to say any thing, though,
Ill let them find it out for them selves.

Phineas. Isabella said. Hey Isabella. Phineas responded.
Watchya doing? she called. Building a roller coaster.
In your back yard? Some of it. Wow, isnt that kind
of impossible? Some might say. I cant believe it! Not
even a hey, Ferb Its like she only cares about Phineas.
Hey, Ferb. she calls up to me. Thats more like it! I wave

you step-brother ever talk? Isabella asked. Yes, yes I do. Who?
Ferb? No, Phineas, youre other step-brother that came out of
the blue beyond. Hes more of a man of action. I hammer a
nail then it bounces back and hits me in the face. Phineas is trying
desperately to hold his giggles So do you want to go swimming?
Isabella asked. Kind of in the middle of something. Phineas
said. Oh, right. O.k. see you later. Isabella said. O.K.
Phineas responded. Hey, Ferb, you got enough rib bits up there?
Phineas called to me. I give him a thumbs up and I used that gun-
thingy and then blew it. No one dares approach the sheriff in these
here parts.

Phineas, time for you to screw in your screw. I call down. Ferb,
we need a building permit. Now you tell me. Shut up,
Ferb. Now how do you do this? Grab something to write with.
Phineas goes in the house and comes back out. O.K. now what?
Thats a crayon. Just tell me how to do it. You
know, write stuff and staple all the papers together. Ferb
How am I supposed to know? Im nine and a half years old!
But youre my big brother. Go on the internet and work on
it. O.K. Phineas ran into the house. I got off the roller
coaster and ran after him. Phineas, I told you wouldnt hold up
your end of the coaster. Shut up, Ferb. Phineas jiggled the
mouse and pushed keys. Why wont this thing wake up! Well,
it would maybe help if you had the computer on. Phineas looked at
the computer, then at me then back at the computer and turned it on.
Shut up, Ferb. Phineas, maybe I should do it, considering
what luck you have with computers you may sign us up for a years
subscription to Disney Adventures magazine. Shut up, Ferb.
Phineas was in a swivel chair so I turn him around to face me and
looked him square in the eyes. Dont smile. Dont smile. What
ever you do dont smile. Phineas tried not to laugh. I started
to tickle him. Hr screamed in laughter and fell out of the chair. I
hurriedly got in it. Fine, but good luck finding the papers.
Within five minuets I was printing out papers. Phineas gave me a
weird look. Shut up, Ferb. Me and Phineas were flipping the papers
until I finally figured them out. Me and Phineas signed our names in
the required spaces. Now I request a apology from you on the
account of thinking Im incapable of finding building permits on
the internet. I say. Shut up, Ferb

These will all be in two parts because this is a lot to remember and
a lot to type. So they all will be in two parts or less.

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