Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Not Nightmares Per Se – Chapter 1
A/N: (Taking a short break from Sherlock Holmesbut Ill go crawling back probably, like, tomorrow XD) Hm. Okay This story was supposed to be sweet. Somehow or other a bit of my own inner-turmoil got dumped into it, I think. My apologies. Ill try to write something nice next. Note: This is set a few years before the start of the show, obviously. (By the time of the first episode theyve got the family thing down pat, but here theyre all still a bit uneasy.) Not too many years because Phineas is only like eight in the show itself, and him being three years old or something wouldnt really work for this story. Also, Perrys a baby platypus here. Hes not a secret agent yet.
Disclaimer: Phineas and Ferb, and all its characters are owned by Disney. This story is just what happens when I watch my favorite Disney-channel cartoon on youtube all afternoon after having slept for about four hours the night before.
God Bless, and on with the story!
He still wasnt sure what to think of them.
On the surface, the five of them (or rather six, he supposed) probably looked like a perfectly normal family but Ferb had come to realize that most families did.
First of all, there was Linda. (He couldnt bring himself to call her Mum yet.) When his father had introduced them, she had taught him a song on the guitar. He had already known how to play it, but had let her show him anyway. He had been impressed then and still was now. She was thinking of taking up a cooking class at the moment.
Then there was Candace, who mostly left him alone. She mostly left everyone in the family alone, actually. Linda had given her a cellphone for her last birthday and she was always talking on it, usually yammering to her friends about some boy named Jeremy who had just moved to Danville. She seemed unsure of how she was supposed to act around Ferb or his Dad, so she avoided most contact with them.
And then there was Phineas. Imagination seemed to take up at least half of the boys brain, and the remaining half was by no means unimpressive. He was far more intelligent than one would expect from someone his age he was the only person Ferb knew (besides himself) who could make something actually useful out of tinker-toys. And he had a pet platypus.
Generally speaking, there was rather a lot more noise than Ferb had ever been used to. What with Candace on the phone 24/7, and Phineas always following him around seemingly determined to get him to talk and always delighted when he succeeded , he was extremely glad he wasnt prone to headaches.
Then there was the fact that they were in America. America. Hed never been out of England in his life, and now he was living on a different continent. And while the differences were (mostly) subtle, they were there and he was acutely aware of them. Americans spelt their words differently. They spoke differently. They watched different television shows. They called things by different names. They used different money. They drove on the wrong side of the road.
He and his father had been here for a month and a half, and it was still all just sinking in. For the past couple of weeks hed been waking up in the middle of the night, not from nightmares per se, but just a general restlessness and unease that wouldnt let him relax. Hed taken to wandering the house for a bit before attempting to sleep again when this happened.
It both looked and sounded different at night. The television wasnt on, and neither was Candaces phone. The only sound came from the refrigerator, which gave off a slight humming sound that was too faint to hear amidst all the noises of the day.
And of course it was dark. He had never minded darkness, as long as he was expecting it. It was harder to see what you were doing, yes, but it was also strangely easier to think.
Right now, though, as he slowly paced the length of the living room, he wasnt too keen on thinking, and was almost glad that he was tired enough for his brain function to be limited.
Unfortunately, part of what was limited was his capacity for rational thought, and his mind, given inefficient visuals to deal with in the darkness of the house, decided to act on assumptions. It assumed he was still in England. On most levels he knew he wasnt, but every time he looked around he expected to be. He expected to see the pictures that had hung on the walls at his and his fathers home there. He expected to see the stairway that led to the small and unfurnished upper floor that they had had. He also expected the furniture to be in different places, and so stuck to the edges of the room to avoid tripping over anything.
And he expected his mother not Linda, his real mother to come out and tell him to go back to bed. Because she had always been able to tell when he was awake.
He stopped pacing, slightly puzzled at that last turn that his thoughts had taken. He hadnt thought of his mother at least not in the sense that he still expected her to be there in quite some time, long before the move here, so why would he now?
Perhaps it was because of everything else that was starting to catch up to him. He was still adjusting to life here, and because he was too exhausted to stop it his mind had tried to escape for a bit by leaping back to his old life farther back than it had in a long time.
Whatever the reason, he didnt much like it, and was starting to wish hed never left his and Phineass room in the first place. Shaking slightly, he crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, sliding to the floor and staring around the room, taking in everything and willing his subconscious or whatever part of his brain it was that was still trying to convince him that things hadnt changed to get a better grip on reality.
Were in America. Were living with the Flynns. Dad got married. Ive got a brother and a sister and a new mno. She has to earn that title. (He didnt honestly doubt that she would, and wasnt sure she hadnt already, but right now it was just an excuse not to have to call her that. To call anyone that. Not yet.)
Im still Ferb Fletcher. I havent changed. Im just not He blinked. Then he did it again, a few times, rather quickly. Im just not where Im supposed to be. Im just thousands of miles from the place where I was born. Im just impossibly far away from everyone and everything Ive ever known except Dad. Im just stuck with a family that I didnt ask for but is too nice to dislike. Im just wandering around an unfamiliar house in the middle of the night with no mother to scold me for it He swallowed. And Im just supposed to be all right with all of that.
Suddenly he looked up, startled, as a new noise sounded, unbearably loud against the almost silent backdrop of the night. It was a clicking, growling sort of noise almost like a cat with a sore throat trying to purr and he relaxed slightly as he recognized it. He looked over at the small green platypus that was waddling up to him and offered the creature a faint smile. Perry, he thought dimly. I wonder why they named him that? The question was, admittedly, a bit of a non-sequitur, but it was a nice change from the direction his thoughts had been heading in a moment before.
He liked Perry. Perry was quiet. He didnt trail him everywhere he went, and he didnt avoid him either. And with the bizarre combination of a beaver-tail and a ducks bill, he looked out of place no matter where you put him. I can empathize with that.
The odd creature came to a stop right beside him, blinking up at him and chattering his teeth again. Ferb reached down to pet him, fingers trembling slightly, although he wondered if platypuses even liked that. The fact that he didnt get bitten told him this particular one at least tolerated it.
The physical contact calmed his nerves considerably, and he took a deep breath, counting silently to ten as he let it out. Hed heard that petting dogs or cats was supposed to lower stress levels apparently it worked with platypuses as well.
Ferb? Yokay? He looked up again as the sleep-slurred voice of his stepbrother broke in on his thoughts. He nodded silently, not getting up. Perry growled softly once again and lumbered towards the other boy.
Whatca doin up?
Ferb shrugged and got to his feet. Why did you name him Perry?
Huh? Phineas was startled into full wakefulness as Ferb spoke.
Why Perry?
Oh. I dunno Has a nice ring to it though, doesnt it? Perry the Platypus.
I suppose.
Phineas blinked tiredly at him, and Ferb knew the younger boy wouldnt go back to sleep before making sure that there was really nothing wrong. That was just how he was. Ferb couldnt help but admire him for that quality, especially considering how young he was.
Sure youre okay? Have a nightmare or somethin? Ferb nodded and shook his head respectively.
You comin back to bed? Momll get mad if she finds out were up
Mom. He never said my mom. It was always Mom. Hes wiling to share his family with me. Im just some boy from another country who doesnt talk to him and who he hardly knows and hes sharing his family with me. Suddenly he was glad that Phineas probably wasnt expecting an actual answer. He wasnt sure he could give him one without strangling himself on the words. Instead he nodded, and they walked back towards the bedroom followed by Perry , Phineas fairly falling asleep on his feet before they got inside. When they did, he stumbled towards his bed and was out before he hit the mattress.
Ferb sat on his own bed, his knees drawn up and his head resting on his arms, watching the other boy. After a moment he became aware of how cold it was, and remembered that it was nearing the end of November. Squinting at Phineas, he could see him shivering slightly as he lay on top of the blankets.
After a moment of deliberation, he stood and crossed the room, pulling the covers out from under his newly-acquired brother and throwing them over him.
Then he went back to his own bed and slept soundly for the first time in two weeks.
More A/N: Considering the fandom I wrote this for, this sucks. Angst just doesnt suit these characters at all. I swear I didnt start out intending for it to turn out like it did. I was extremely tired still am, actually and my brain decided to draw a parallel between Ferb and Perry for the simple reason that neither of them talks. Well Ferb does a little, but you know what I mean. So I wanted to write a short scene with them, suggesting that maybe Ferb likes Perry because hes the quietest one in the family. Then having Ferb think like that suggested to me that it would probably have to be sometime right after he and Lawrence moved in with Linda, Candace and Phineas.
Thats where the trouble started. I kept remembering a time like a couple of years ago, after my parents split up. I wandered into my Dads kitchen at like three in the morning and started crying. (And talking to myself, but thats beside the point.) I dont even remember what triggered it. Specifically, I mean. I think it gets harder to deal with stuff at night/early early morning because a) youre tired, and b) theres usually no one there to keep up any sort of pretense for. So it gets harder not to drop that pretense. Having animals nearby to pet always helps. Sadly, I dont have a platypus, but I have and already had at the time a dog and two cats, which all work just as well. I guess.
Anyway. A combination of all that and the fact that I am completely exhausted meant that I had trouble directing this story. So it went in a completely different direction than the one I had in mind, it doesnt make a whole lot of sense, and it has a cheesy and clichd ending. Ah well.
God Bless.