Phineas opened his eyes. He peered through the darkness at his clock, the dim glow of the numbers read 4:15. He knew he might still have time. He stood up and stripped naked. He quietly left his room. He softly ran down the hall. He looked in the game room. He saw a workout mat on the floor and a pair of shorts next to the bathroom door where the light was on. He could hear someone washing their hands in the sink. He looked then at the closet door on the other side of the room. He moved quickly to it. He just barely closed the slitted closet door when Candace poked her head out of the bathroom door. She looked, no one. She walked out holding a towel around her. She walked towards the game room doors. Phineas could see where her large double d breasts were. He started to become hard. Candace held her towel with her right hand. She used her lef hand to close both of the doors. She then grabbed a large chair and tilted it to make sure the door wouldn’t open easily with someone peeking in on her. Went back to the bathroom and grabbed her clothes of the floor and went and threw them in a pile next to the blocked door. Then she dropped her towel. Phineas’s mouth opened and hung there. He stared at his sister’s beautiful nude body. Her voluptuos huge breasts, her sexy curves, her plump firm ass, her smooth fresh pussy. His penis jumped straight up. Candace then went over to the large couch. She lifted up the couch cushion and pulled out a box from a hollowed par of the couch. She opened the box and pulled out an 8-inch dildo. She then walked over to the mat and sat down again. Phineas was so aroused at this point, he was so close to the door parts of it were sliding up. He turned and grabbed the camera and tripod he had placed there specifically. He started recording. He looked back and his eyes would not look away for the next several minutes. Candace began feeling her body. She rubbed her breasts and then her stomach and then she began to finger her pussy.
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