Phineas and Ferb Cartoon Sex

Phineas and Ferb Pornography Story: Phineas and Ferb Thru the eyes of others Chapter Four

Phineas and Ferb Pornography Story: Phineas and Ferb Thru the eyes of others Chapter Four

Life from the eyes of Different Characters

This story is written through the eyes of Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, forgive me if I don’t recall entirely how 9 year old girls act, if I just sat around checking how 9 year old girls acted people would think I was creepy. I included a reference to “Times Change” a fantastic story written by Roy42 that you should check out. Anyway hope you enjoy, I don’t own the characters, so whatever. That would be Swampy Marsh and Dan Povenmire and Disney of course.

–Danville, SD– Summer 2008

July 17th, 2008

Dear Diary,

Last night was the “Night of the Falling Stars girls’ choice dance” and I finally got the nerve to ask Phineas to come with me, he said yes and then told me he and Ferb would walk with me to the dance I can’t believe he thought I meant we should go as friends, I was wearing such a cute purple dress too!!! Well once we got to the dance I was able to get Gretchen to run over and dance with Ferb leaving me to have a few moments alone with Phineas, but all he could talk about was his plans for today…with Ferb.

I don’t want anyone to think I don’t like Ferb, considering how he helped rid me of my hiccups and made me an ice cream sundae after I got my tonsils out but I wish they were not so inseparable, I keep thinking things might change as we get older but then I have dreams like last nights and I realize how horrifying that could be, Diary I had a dream where me and Phineas got stuck in a virtual world, he told me he loved me but then there was an error and I sacrificed myself so he could escape, he blamed himself for my loss and changed after that day, not wanting to risk anyone else’s health he stopped making fun things, he was no longer the creative boy I fell in love with, diary I don’t want Phineas to lose his spirit.

The more I think about it the more I remember how I met Phineas, alright so I don’t actually remember since I was just a baby but momma has pictures of us as babies, I guess it must have been before Phineas’ parents got together because Ferb isn’t in any of the pictures. We looked sooo cute together just like last night. I sure wish we had more pictures together like that

I also wish I had someone to talk to diary like an older sister, I mean Candace is the closest thing I have to an older sister but she is far too scatterbrained, honestly I want someone closer to Ferb to talk to, someone who just listens but doesn’t judge, I mean I guess I could just talk to Ferb about whats bothering me I mean he keeps secrets better then anyone else I know and I do trust him but he is Phineas brother and best friend what if he tells Phineas everything, I mean I think I’m being paranoid but what if Ferb is jealous of my friendship with Phineas and tells him to get rid of me, diary maybe I’m just being silly, Ferb has nothing to be jealous of since he and Phineas are closer then I am with Phineas.

Alright I guess thats enough about Ferb trying to get rid of me I’m just being silly right, anyway today the fireside girls are going for our tax filing badge, that should be fun, unfortunately I don’t think it will fit in with Phineas’ daily activity so I probably won’t get to see him much today, although the Fireside Girls meeting isn’t until 3:30 so maybe it will be something I can help with until then.

Wow its already quarter to 10 I should let Pinky out, then take a shower, after that I’ll see what Phineas has planned for today, I sure hope it’s tax related. Well until tomorrow Diary,


(draws a quick picture of Phineas underneath her signature)

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